About Scott Daniels

I've had a strong faith in God and active prayer life since about 4 years old. Starting at about 28, I served in local churches as a United Methodist pastor for 20 years. That was an honor and a privilege. In 2015, I published the rest that works, a book, workbook and journaling program based on Jesus' teachings and my own personal prayer and mindfulness practice.

Delving even deeper into the rest that works program, interesting things started happening – visions, dreams, and experiences of the most powerful love I have ever experienced started coming regularly during my mediations and prayer naps - especially related to the Mom-side of God. These have continued over the last 7 years. My work here on the inner wellspring draws heavily on these more recent experiences.

I now take it as fundamentally true that “we live and move and have our being in God." Any separation from the equally masculine and feminine, Great I AM can only be relative. Like a cell experiences a form of separation while in a body, our felt separation from the Supreme Being is experiential, not essential. It is mental, not fundamental. It is discordant sensing, thinking and acting that make us feel as if we are living apart from our Sustaining and Loving, Source Being. Destructive misalignment within The Divine is a very real problem (much like cancer in a body), but there are things we can do to bring our lives back into healthy alignment with the Living, Loving God. In addition to maintaining what I think of as a sanctuary within me through my meditative practice, I have found working with my inner wellspring to be a fruitful way to pursue my life with passion, compassion and creative power.

I teach and offer spiritual direction drawing on all of my experience with the goal of helping clients develop their own sacred space within and listen to what is welling up from inside them – my goal is to support them in following their own hearts for any needed inner healing and the pursuit of their dreams.


About Anita Norha

Hello! I am the yang to Scott's yin. I tend the practical structures of our retreat businesses. I am a builder, whether it be a physical property, a business or relationships. I am creative and grounded.

I am a wife, a mother to three grown children, a daughter, sister, auntie and friend. I hold degrees in business and pastoral counseling.

I love to read, hike, puzzle, garden, paddle, camp, watch birds and wildlife, enjoy good food and drink, and spend time with family and friends.

I feel my spiritual gifts are intuition, downloads, listening and being able to hold space. Tools that I find helpful are working with inner parts, dream work, asking for songs, praying and drawing cards (my favorite deck is Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid), and sharing my spiritual journey with Scott and a few dear friends. I have benefited greatly from the fruits of working with various therapists and healers over the years. I have also learned the importance of never giving away my spiritual authority to anyone or anything. My greatest learning edge is to trust my inner wellspring and connection to divine love.


The Center, Eau Claire

We believe that the path to healing and thriving for ourselves, our families, our communities, our nations and our planet is through our hearts and souls. That’s why we created The Center in 2013 with the help and support of many in our local community - to provide a safe and creative space to support people in heart-centered living.

The Center is a unique community hub … part wellness center, part creative center, part spiritual center, part rental facility… all 100% dedicated to heart-centered living. (No membership is required). In addition to our large studio, pottery studio and art studio, there are small meeting rooms and 3 acres of grounds including paths and a Heart Labyrinth down by Otter Creek. There are also about 35 practitioners offering healing arts and practices aimed at wholeness of body, mind and spirit for their clients. You are personally invited to The Center! Please go to The Center's website for more information: http://thecenterec.com/.