
Our goal is to help you center yourself in the divine, creative love looking to flow in and through you - what we call your inner wellspring. We think this was the goal of many spiritual masters as they tried to explain our relationship with the divine through imagery, parables and poems more than rules, creeds or critical, analytical arguments.

For example:

Jesus in the gospels: "The kingdom of God lies within you" (Luke 17), "the water I give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4), and “Love the Great I Am your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength and others as yourself” (Mark 12, Matthew 22 and Luke 10).

Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching: "There is something as mingled and ungraspable as bubbling water, and yet quite complete; . . . (It) manifests itself in all things, and is never idle. You could consider it the Nursing Mother of all under heaven. I myself do not know its name, but for starters, call it the Way." (It’s interesting that in the early years before there was a religion called "Christianity," Jesus' followers were described as people simply "belonging to The Way").

To lovingly work with one's inner wellspring is to root and branch your life out from a personal love relationship with yourself and our Source Being - the Living, Loving Great I AM. The key is flowing with the love that your heart most deeply wants to move with, inside and out.

It’s to open the gift of really being true to your loving heart as it springs from God’s Loving Heart. When we do that, our inner wellspring is a gift that keeps on giving.

Our goal is to support you as you draw on your inner wellspring for perspective, purpose, passion and power in creating your life as the branch of the divine that you truly are. We'll be using images, videos and stories much more than theological arguments here, but most of all, we'll be encouraging you to listen to your own heart/mind/soul as you feel for divine love working in, around and as you.


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