The Main Lessons I’ve learned from the Mom-side of God

These came over the course of a year or so, when I had just woken up and felt powerful, loving energy from the Mom-side of God - usually around 3-5 AM.  Of course, these could have come from the Dad-side too, it's just that when these came I felt an amazingly loving, Feminine Presence. They came more as downloads of informational energy than dictations. (I think the words in bold below come pretty close to conveying the information, but please try to feel for the truth behind them that connects with you. Then I think you will sense what they are beckoning you to consider for your life, especially when taken together).

  1. "Life is lived by agreements."

  2. "Nothing happens without desire."

  3. "Holiness has to do with the purity, quality and quantity of love actually flowing in a moment . . . in ourselves, another person, a thought, a situation, a relationship, etc." (and I saw a beautiful flowing river as She said this to me, and then people, and situations – a perfect analogy for the River of Life).

I do not see these lessons as doctrines to defend. Rather, I see them as pointers towards Truth you may want to explore - regardless of your spiritual tradition, or lack thereof. It's really more about the love and spirituality you're actually experiencing than any particular religious framework you may or may not use to try to align with The Divine. For me, the real question of any religious framework is whether or not it is genuinely helping you to experience and participate in the kind of love we sense to be sacred when we feel it.  Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean serious - it often involves laughter and play and is uplifting when things are hard. The main thing is it feels very healthy and holy, heart and soul-wise. Work with the first 3 lessons together and they can reveal a lot about your life and lead to choices that foster greater personal experiences of holiness and love.


General notes to reflect on in working with the lessons:

1."Life is lived by agreements."

I think that we exist as humans by way of a long, ongoing process of relational creation described in many scriptures (including Proverbs 8:23-36). We are eternal souls that come into human bodies through relationships. We are then raised in a "family system" that has its own "agreements,” within a culture governed by “agreements” - for better or for worse. Maturing as a person involves working our inner agreements towards an evolving, life-giving harmony inside even as we are also in outer relationships with people, places and things.  Wellspring work is an empowering, inside-out job. As we do our wellspring work and improve the flow of love in our lives, we have the most to offer the world. It's an ongoing process and adventure well worth engaging creatively from the heart as we go.

"Agreements" can be relationships, energetic alignments, connections, interweavings, narratives, etc.  These lie within us, like between parts or aspects of ourselves, as well as outside of us, like in our families, friendships, work relationships, politics and most certainly, religions. It's about seeing that various dynamics are always working together at any moment – some consciously, and probably most importantly, some unconsciously. Understanding the agreements in our life and the dynamics involved is very empowering, especially if any changes are desired.

2. "Nothing happens without desire."

Underlying intentions and desires are very important. If you want to really understand something, be curious about the deeper desires and sponsoring thoughts behind behaviors. So, as you seek to understand anything in your life, ask yourself: What are my real, underlying desires here? What are the desires driving and currently shaping my thoughts here? Our core desires are usually good - like for love, security, or even just fun, but secondary desires like for attention, approval or power can get us off track. Furthermore, the agreements we often enter to pursue our desires can mess things up pretty quickly (especially when you think of all the "unhealthy agreements" active in our world). If we're unhappy, seeing where we've sold out agreement-wise in pursuit of this or that desire can be very revealing. This can happen inside as well as out. The desire to change unhealthy patterns is often the first step to creating better ones.

3. "Holiness has to do with the purity, quality and quantity of love actually flowing in a moment . . . in ourselves, another person, a thought, a situation, a relationship, etc." (and I saw a beautiful flowing river as She said this to me, and then people, and situations – a perfect analogy for the River of Life).

This is a key insight. Remember, love is the key, love is always the key. You can sense the degree of holiness in something - your thinking, a situation, a relationship - by the love actually felt flowing in it. The spirit is always the most important thing - the spirit moving in a moment, the inspiration of a thought, the true underlying intent, the spirit of a law, and etc. (Remember, an idea that had some holiness to it when it was first conceived in its original context might not be so if used in another way in another context. In fact, it could be being used as a front for something very unholy. The Bible was used to defend slavery for centuries, and very unholy wars even today. The health of the inner agreements and desires of the person interpreting the Bible or any other text are very important. In fact, it may well be that more serious damage has been done with the Bible than any other book in history because of its often unhealthy use. A lot of good has come from using the Bible, but so has a lot of bad - all determined by what was going on in the people using it).     

My own thinking is where I start when I don't feel much love. First, I pray. Then I ask myself, am I present and coming from my heart? Theoretical love is nowhere near as important as genuinely felt, sincere love. I pray for help in getting there. Sincere love has the power to move mountains inside, and sometimes outside us too. Holiness and love both flow from The Divine all the time – kind of like the Sun. The fact that clouds block the Sun does not change the flow of life-giving energy from the Sun. Depending on blockages inside and out, we either receive and share in the flow of Divine Love or don’t. Our intentions, practices and ways of relating often affect how much “holiness” is at work in our given circumstances at any given time. 

Some things to remember in working with these lessons:

We are eternal souls in human expression right now.

Love is a dynamic, not a static thing. It’s a verb more than a noun. It's a moving spirit that one chooses to align with, moment by moment, or one simply doesn’t align with it in that moment. Realigning often takes work, but it’s the most worthwhile work I’ve found (and intuition is often more important than intellectual analysis in that process - this is where dream and intuitive work can be very valuable).

Shakespeare was right, there are more things at work in heaven and Earth than are dreamt in our philosophies. (The main invitation in that is to trust the process and stay open to The Divine as you go).

It’s never about maintaining laws, rules or norms in and of themselves - those are often tools to gain or maintain power. It’s about the love those things are supposed to protect and encourage - providing a safe space of self-love and respect inside a person, cultivating a loving hearth for a home and a space of mutual respect for each other in society.

No one ever does anything without it somehow being justified inside. (This is why inner agreements are so important. Some inner agreements aren’t healthy. They are bad inner deals. Violating external behavior means there are some parts being violated inside for the sake of something. Dreams often bring such things up).

The most powerful thing is when you feel yourself moving with genuine, heartfelt love. From a faith perspective, you want to take off your sandals, you want to kneel and say “thank you” to the Beloved for helping you get in touch with this aspect of yourself - this wonderful, powerful moving energy you feel in you. And the love that you most want to move with is redeeming - it revalues both you and others, revealing the true value of everyone as cells in the body of God, each unique as branches on the Tree of Life but all having the same Divine, ultimately loving DNA. It leads to healthy love for yourself, others and Mother Earth, and is the best foundation for living I have ever experienced.




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