Love is always the key.

Our Loving Creator wants your life to be a love story. Best of all, He/She wants to write your love story with you. That can start right now regardless of the past, or how many times you’ve “started over.”  This is great news, but we tend to misunderstand what it means. We tend to think it's about finding the perfect person, stage, music, career, cash flow or something like that. Those are vital parts of any person's life story, especially when we naturally “love” the things and activities in our lives, but they are never the main storyline in and of themselves. The movement of spirit coming from your heart writes your central storyline. Since your heart stems from the Divine, it longs to stay centered and rooted in the Sophia Spirit that gives life through actively loving. It’s not a theoretical thing. It's a felt thing. Jesus did that amazingly well. He pretty consistently did what deep love would do in the moment at hand. That is why I seek to follow his lead along with that of some others including Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Buddha, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu to name just a few - with, without or often despite religious frameworks. I want my story to align and flow with the love I see and most of all, feel in theirs. The bottom line for our lives is the creative love actually felt flowing in our actions. Love is the key. Love is always the key.

So maybe take a moment and imagine some times when you felt love flowing. Maybe with a little child, or your mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa, or another loved one, or a dog, or cat – or even a moment of felt connection with a total stranger. Or maybe a song? Or a scene from your life, or even in a movie? What was happening in you as that loving feeling came? Openness to another? Probably. Openness to the desire to love in your own heart? For sure. That’s always key. You have to trust the inherit goodness and value of that desire, and trust that expansive, heart-opening feeling to guide you.

If you are ever not in sync with Love, know that the Greatest Lover of All loves you, and stands and knocks at the door of your mutual home in your heart. You always have a key to that home whether you use it or not. You use it by sincerely saying “Yes” to your understanding of the Highest Divine. Say “Yes, I want to love in alignment with Your Love.  I want to love You and love with You. Please purify the love in me to do so.” Then trust the process as you seek to stay in tune with that emotional-spiritual desire, and be thoughtful as you feel your way forward. That’s really what faith is ultimately all about. It’s what connects you to your divine inner wellspring in a conscious way and helps you flow with it, one moment at a time.

More power to you in using your inner, loving key, regardless of circumstances.

Thanks and Blessings,



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Another take on feeling for Divine Love...