Why this website and these materials now?

Simply put, your inner wellspring is the creative love welling up within you, both undergirding and inspiring your life. Physically, you can feel it in the flow of your breath and your heartbeat. Spiritually, you can sense it in your felt desire to love - yourself, others, the life you’re actually living, and ultimately, life itself. Things blocking that flow from within hinder it and reduce our experience of it.

We all desire to be in the flow of love because everyone springs from the Creative Love of our Creator, the Great I AM in whom we live and move and have our being whose core character is Love. That’s a lot for our analytical minds to grasp, but it’s true. So remember spiritual leaders like Jesus saying, “unless you become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven,” and the Zen teacher, Shunryu Suzuki encouraging a beginner’s mind - “In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few.” While both have their proper place, right-brained curiosity and play is more fruitful than left-brained critical analysis in the spiritual life. This is why dream work and cultivating an openness to guidance through signs inside and out is so worthwhile. Accept that there is a Supreme, Ever-present Being who’s core nature is pure love, and you have all the foundation you need to improve your personal relationship with yourself, the Divine and others through developing your conscious relationship with your wellspring. There’s work involved, but it is the most worthwhile work I have ever done. If that sounds like something you want to explore further, please watch the video …


Shifting Sands? – Go Big and go small.


Love is always the key.